Wayne Rooney Scandal 2010 Video | Jennifer Thompson & Wayne Rooney Sex Scandal Video ,Rumours

Wayne Rooney Scandal 2010 Video | Jennifer Thompson & Wayne Rooney Sex Scandal Video ,Rumours
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So this is the second scandal to offend the England fans in this season of 2010 when media is ablaze with reports of Wayne Rooney scandal. This is a second of such kind which has hit the England fans drastically. This too is a sex scandal where the England footballer was caught cheating on his then pregnant wife with a prostitute identified as Jenny Thompson.
முரட்டு கதைகள்:  ஆந்திரா அழகியை ஒத்த கதை..! (Story)After an easy win yesterday this was welcoming for the fans after the team’s performance at the FIFA world cup 2010 which had badly disappointed the fans all over the world. But it seems that the England football team would never emerge out of its share of never ending scandals which seem to come up every now and then. There is no redemption for these players who are always caught in cheesy scandal and sex allegations either from prostitutes, ex wives or a team mate’s girlfriend. God save their PR!
The manager of the team Fabio Capello is fed up fighting the reputation of his players in the media and among the fans who are often given proofs and evidences of his player’s frivolous ways and obnoxious activities. He has early already stripped of the captain of the England team after he had a alleged affair with his team mate’s ex girlfriend saying that the players are role models and therefore have to maintain their image and set examples for others to follow and not shame themselves publicly.
முரட்டு கதைகள்:  చెల్లి బావా తో 10 | Telugu Sex StoriesThis soon seems to be a tradition in the en gland team where there have already been incidences and divorces arising from infidelity of the players and latest to join the league is Wayne Ronney.
TAGSManmatha kathaikal

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